Now don't get me wrong the majority of children/elderly people who come up to me are the most polite people you will ever meet but there are also a ton of them who belong in the land of RUDE!
In this entry I'll start with those little passive aggresive ones they call 'babies' or 'tykes'. I like to call them, BRATS! Now I am aware that they have no control over their emotions but they must know that they are annoying other people unnecessarily when they scream at the top of their lungs ... for nothing but attention! I'll give you an example. A mum and three tots (awful combo!) were strolling through the shop and the whole time it was like the mum just wanted to get away from them. This may sound a bit out of order but if you had three screeching toddlers following you around a shop you would want to do the same whether or not they were related to you. Two of them in particular were especially aggravating. And funnily enough every time I tried to move away from them they would move to the same section! GARGH! It reached boiling point when the little boy hit the little girl with a hat or some other random item, the girl belting out an almost operatic wail and then the mum turning to the both of them and proclaiming "Right! That's it! You've ruined it now. You've ruined my whole weekend! No more shopping". She then stormed out the shop leaving the tots looking a little confused.

And then all three in unison "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"! running after her. The shop was oddly silent after that.
Older kids are even more dumbfounding and ridiculous. I am returning a trolley to the warehouse with a lot of heavy crap on it. Then as I am passing by one of the aisles a young boy of about 10 comes skidding out (on his knees) at the end of it. I am instantly angered and yell at him in my most disgruntled of voices "EXCUSE ME!". I then throw him a look of disgust which tells him "You are indeed a retard and need to fix up. This ain't no saturday Night Fever, it's a shop. So enough with the slip 'n' slide bitch!"
So as I said at the start most kids are polite and behave themselves while in the shop but I thouroughly dislike the previously mentioned type of children! They should be kept on leashes! Actually whoever invented child braces I like you A LOT!
Watch this space for my rant about elderly people :-p
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