Both of the following events happened today:
1. A Scottish lady approaches me with an awkwardness about her.
Scottish Lady "Excuse me, do ya sell hooooooks?"
Me "What kind?"
Scottish Lady "To hang yer coa' on"
Me "We do indeed, I'll just show you where they are"
I take the Scot to the aisle containing the hooks. Just to clarify I say ..."is this what you were looking for?" ... expecting an immediate "yes thank you" but noooooooooo!
Scottish Lady "Nooooo it gooes over the door on the inside ar yer wardrobe so you can hang up shirts and that"
There are some over door hooks right in front of her but she still denies that these are the right ones.
Me "I will need to find someone else who knows about D.I.Y. cos I don't know what you mean. I'll be back in a minute." Making her feel superior by faking my own stupidity :-p
I go to customer service and ask my workmate if we have any of the mythical hooks. She tells me to go to the same aisle I was just on. We have a giggle that the customer is being a noob and then I return to the aisle to discover she has gone! What a flange!
2. Then a few hours later another old couple (you already know they are gonna be trouble, those budgerigar keepers!) calls me over.
Female Budgie Keeper "You have all these twist and lock bathroom fixtures. Is there a bathroom rail in the collection"
I have no idea so take a gander at the end where the twist and lock items are kept.
Female Budgie Keeper "They have a towel rail but not a hand rail. The lady said there was one here (LIE)"
Me "Wait here, I will go and double check just in case we are out of stock"
I return to the same spot a few minutes later and yet again my customer has vanished! Is there a magical kingdom where they have all been transported to? The wandering customers. Maybe I will see them again one day in another dimension!

Why O'Why do they persist in wasting my time and effort? Next I may just reply with "David says no" I bet they won't disappear so quickly then WAH WAH WAH!
I think David says no is a valid response, do it :D x